Event Series Riverside Swings

Riverside Swings

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Riverside Swings every Friday 9PM-11:30PMCome swing dance at Riverside! All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a group, swing is for everyone! 8:00pm-9:00pmFree Beginner lessons9:00pm-11:30pmOpen Dance $5 General Admission$4 Students  

Event Series Beginner Tango Class

Beginner Tango Class

Riverside Arts Center : Dance Studio 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Join us in the dance studio for an intro to this fun, improvised art form! Emma Rodseth and Matthew Keating invite you to experience a sampling of the many elements of Argentine tango. We will learn some fundamentals, play, laugh, and have fun. No partner or dance experience is required. All are welcome. Please wear […]

Zumba with Kadesha & Teri

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Zumba is a dance fitness workout involving cardio to AMAZING cultural-inspired rhythms & beats. Zumba Fitness is for EVERYBODY, regardless of fitness level or dancing skills. The music will have you moving while your instructor will guide you every step of the way. So get ready to "shake-it' during this Dance-Party-Workout with Teri & Kadesha! […]

Event Series Riverside Swings

Riverside Swings

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Riverside Swings every Friday 9PM-11:30PMCome swing dance at Riverside! All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a group, swing is for everyone! 8:00pm-9:00pmFree Beginner lessons9:00pm-11:30pmOpen Dance $5 General Admission$4 Students  

Event Series Beginner Tango Class

Beginner Tango Class

Riverside Arts Center : Dance Studio 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Join us in the dance studio for an intro to this fun, improvised art form! Emma Rodseth and Matthew Keating invite you to experience a sampling of the many elements of Argentine tango. We will learn some fundamentals, play, laugh, and have fun. No partner or dance experience is required. All are welcome. Please wear […]

Zumba with Kadesha & Teri

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Zumba is a dance fitness workout involving cardio to AMAZING cultural-inspired rhythms & beats. Zumba Fitness is for EVERYBODY, regardless of fitness level or dancing skills. The music will have you moving while your instructor will guide you every step of the way. So get ready to "shake-it' during this Dance-Party-Workout with Teri & Kadesha! […]

Event Series Riverside’s Ypsi Fine Arts Club

Riverside’s Ypsi Fine Arts Club

Riverside Arts Center : Off Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Inspired by the Detroit Fine Arts Breakfast Club, Riverside is looking forward to providing a space for local artists to showcase their work, talk about their process, and maybe even sell a piece. We are proud to announce the start of  Riverside’s Ypsi Fine Arts Club. Twice a month, artists can bring two pieces of original art […]

Event Series Riverside Swings

Riverside Swings

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Riverside Swings every Friday 9PM-11:30PMCome swing dance at Riverside! All ages and skill levels welcome. Come alone, with a partner, or in a group, swing is for everyone! 8:00pm-9:00pmFree Beginner lessons9:00pm-11:30pmOpen Dance $5 General Admission$4 Students  

Whatabout Theatre Showcase

Riverside Arts Center : Dance Studio 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Join Whatabout Theatre for a celebration of our current students as they get up on stage and show off what they've learned this term! Tickets are only $5 and include four performances - the Wednesday Level 1: Welcome to Improv class, the Sunday Level 1: Welcome to Improv class, the Level 2: The 2-Person Scene […]

Zumba with Kadesha & Teri

Riverside Arts Center 76 North Huron, Ypsilanti, MI, United States

Zumba is a dance fitness workout involving cardio to AMAZING cultural-inspired rhythms & beats. Zumba Fitness is for EVERYBODY, regardless of fitness level or dancing skills. The music will have you moving while your instructor will guide you every step of the way. So get ready to "shake-it' during this Dance-Party-Workout with Teri & Kadesha! […]